These russians

Автор перевода пожелал остаться  неизвестным. Перевод осуществлен при участии Irene Zugasti Hervás

These russians

These russian boys never change:
War, revolution, «russian roulette».
To die, before getting old,
As in 19-th, as in 20-th
And 21-st centuries.

These russian girls never change:
Decabrists’s wife*, sister of mercy.
To love, to save lives,
Until heart beats in her chest,
As in 19-th, as in 20-th
And 21-st centuries.

Oh, my russian boy:
War, militia. To die for the Motherland.
Nothing will never change,
Nothing will never change.
Beasts are dancing,
And angels are at the door of eternity.

Oh, I am your russian girl:
Red cross, white bandage, pure alcohol**.
In this meet grinder of dishumanity***,
I’ll give you a shield,
Made of my prays.

Spring is coming. Blossoming apple-trees
Are singing about clean life, without dust of death,
And they seems to be orthodox****, like russians,
That are getting up from their knees after the pray.

* Decabrists — is a name of rebels, who took part in a huge revolt against Nikolay 1-st in December of 1825. A lot of rebels were punished later, many of them were sent to Syberia to work in hard labor-camps. 11 women, the wifes of rebels, went to Syberia with husbands, nevertheless they didn’t have to do it. So in russian language «Decabrist’s wife» is a symbol of the most understanding, loyal and loving woman, who will support ideas of her man and follow him even to the hungry and cold place.

**Pure alcohol — here menas medicinal alcohol, of 96%, which is used to desinfection.
***Dishumanity — here author uses not existing word in russian, which mean that humanity goes back, all the people are doing anti-human things.
****Orthodox church — type of Christianity, which is mostly spread among russian people.

Эти русские

Эти русские мальчики не меняются:
Война, революция, «русская рулетка».
Умереть, пока не успел состариться,
В девятнадцатом, двадцатом,
Двадцать первом веке.

Эти русские девочки не меняются:
Жена декабриста, сестра милосердия.
Любить и спасать,
Пока сердце в груди трепыхается,
В девятнадцатом, двадцатом,
Двадцать первом веке.

Ты же мой русский мальчик:
Война, ополчение, умереть за Отечество.
Ничего не меняется,
Ничего не меняется.
Бесы скачут,
А ангелы ждут на пороге вечности.

Я твоя русская девочка:
Красный крест, белый бинт, чистый спирт.
В мясорубке расчеловечивания
Будет щит тебе
Из моих молитв.

А весна наступает. Цветущие яблони
Поют о жизни, презревшей тлен,
Так, будто они — православные,
Русские и после молитвы встают с колен.


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